I have been invited by the Utah Arts Festival to help participate in their Masquerade Charity again this year. (I have previous posts in January of the past two years if you want to see older entries)

I love creating these masks for the Festival, it is a charitable event and all proceeds go to help the festival survive. The have a gallery opening on Friday the 16th at the Utah Arts Festival HQ in downtown Salt Lake City if you happen to be in town.
I collaborated with my girlfriend Jolene Smith for the idea on the masks.
The two masks form one heart when placed together, but separated they are broken. The female (left side) is passion and life and love and is naive to the loss that is about to happen. The male side is sad and lonely even in the relationship he is done and wishes to move on and he weeps because of his silence, but he loves her so much.
Title : I’m Giving Up On You
Title : Say Something